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Confirmation Invitations

Letters will be mailed to families of ninth graders in July inviting them to be part of continued Confirmation preparation.  Registration forms will be included in the mailing.  Families will not register for Confirmation through the PSR Program.  Any high school student may participate in the program.

Confirmation Sessions

Confirmation sessions are normally held the first Sunday of every month.  Sessions begin at 6:00 and end at 8:00 PM and are held in the Youth Ministry Room of the Church.  The first session to prepare for the Spring 2025 Confirmation will take place in October.  There will be an orientation meeting in September.

Confirmation Liturgy

Confirmation will be celebrated on a Friday in April 2025 at St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Mentor.  The date will be published as soon as it is determined by the bishop's office.  

Questions?  Contact Laura Ruque  440-257-6988,


Preparation for Confirmation begins in the 8th Grade during PSR sessions held on Tuesday evenings from September to May from 7:45-9:00 pm.  Preparation continues for ninth graders with monthly meetings held on Sunday evenings at St. Bede's in the Youth Ministry Room of the Church; a retreat day is also a part of the program. Prospective candidates must be baptized and have received their First Communion.  Letters of invitation will be sent in the summer to both eighth and ninth graders.  High school students in grades10-12 are also welcome to take part in this program.  Confirmation is usually celebrated in the spring.  The aim of the Confirmation Program is to lead the young people to a deeper relationship with Christ in the Holy Spirit and a stronger experience of parish community.


The Diocese of Cleveland has recently created a plan to consolidate the number of Confirmation celebrations by scheduling parishes together in close proximity for a combined celebration of Confirmation.  St. Bede's has been paired with St. Mary of the Assumption, and Confirmation will be celebrated at St. Mary's since it is a much larger church and can accomodate both groups.


The Confirmation Team assists in the formation of our teen candidates for this sacrament. Contact Laura Ruque. 257-5544 or