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Group Details

Group Leader - Francesco Binda

Rehearsal Schedule:

Contemporary Choir - Tuesday 7:30 - 9:00 PM

Traditional Choir - Thursday 7:00 - 8:30 PM

Traditional Choir

This group provides musical leadership by supporting and enhancing the singing during one Mass each weekend, while maintaining a spiritual reverence for the celebration and inspiring the assembly to use music as a method of prayer.   The Traditional Choir generally sings at the 9:00 AM Mass on Sunday.


Membership is open to all men and women 7th grade and older.


Traditional Choir

Contemporary Choir

This group provides musical leadership by  supporting and enhancing the singing during one Mass each weekend, while maintaining a spiritual reverence for the celebration and inspiring the assembly to use music as a method of prayer.  The Contemporary Choir generally sings at the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday.


Musicians of all sorts are invited to participate (7th grade and up).


Children's Choir

This group provides musical leadership by supporting and enhancing the singing during one Mass each month.


Membership is open to all children in 3rd through 8th grades.


Hand Bell Choir

This group provides a special sound that enhances holiday and special liturgies during the year.


Rehearsals are generally on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM as needed.


Membership is open to all 7th grade and up. It is not necessary to read music in order to join.

Funeral Choir

The Funeral Choir supports the singing during funeral liturgies and is open to those who are available on weekday mornings. It is not necessary to be available every weekday.


Rehearsals are one half hour before the start of the Funeral Liturgy.