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Group Details

LeAnn Morgan, Coordinator

Contact Parish Office at 

440-257-5544 or email




Hugs 'N' Stitches

Hugs 'n Stitches is St. Bede's charity sewing ministry. Volunteers make hats and blankets for newborns and preemies and comfort items for hospice patients. Items for babies are donated to the neonatal intensive care units of the Cleveland Clinic, Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital and Akron Children's Hospital. Other items are delivered to Hospice of the Western Reserve.


Besides baby hats and blankets, some volunteers make small comfort pillows and/or "lapghans" for hospice patients. Other volunteers make small stuffed critters which are given to TriPoint Medical Center's emergency room and same day surgery unit. These soft toys help to comfort frightened or hurting youngsters.


Hugs 'n Stitches does not have a "budget." Volunteers supply their own yarns and fabrics for the projects they work on. There are no quotas nor deadlines, and no weekly or monthly meetings. Volunteers work in their own homes, on items they choose, and at their own pace.


Completed items are washed in fragrance-free soap. Dried items are packaged in Ziploc bags and tagged with a Hugs tag. Items are then left in the large Hugs basket in St. Bede's library.



Recently, we received the following thank you messages...

Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital: "I received two boxes full of really nice blankets, hats, quilts and mommy mates. Please thank all of your volunteer crafters. And thank you for facilitating this."


Akron Children's Hopsital: "Thank you for your generous donation of handmade blankets, hats and shirts for the patients at Akron Children's Hospital. We are grateful for the supppor we receive from you and appreciate your part in making our patients' stay much brighter."