Lent 2025 begins Wednesday, March 5 with Ash Wednesday. Join us this Season of Lent (including Lenten Retreat Day, March 22) - Click Here
2025 Catholic Charities Appeal: Consider making a generous pledge to support the ministries and services provided by Catholic Charities. Deadline to return your envelope is Monday, March 3 either in the collection basket or Parish Office. Thank you.
Library Free Book Take-Away Weekend: March 1 - 2. Browse the wide selection of donated books to obtain Catholic reading resources to enhance your Lenten experience. Pick up some free reading material.
Knights of Columbus Annual Pasta Dinner: Saturday, March 15 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm in the Father Tulley Center. Tickets on sale the weekends of March 1 - 2 and 8-9 after all Masses, at the Parish office or at the door. $15/adults; $5/children 6 and older; Free: 5 and under. Music by Fr. Tim & Friends.
Pray the Rosary: The Rosary is prayed in the Chapel every Monday evening at 6:30 pm with the exception of the 2nd Monday of each month when it is prayed at 7:00 pm.
Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays 9:30 am - 4:00 pm in the Chapel (unless otherwise noted due to funerals or weddings). The monstrance is never left unattended; therefore, we encourage you to sign up for a time slot. Call (440-257-5544) or email the Parish Office.