St. Bede Concert Series: Sunday, February 9, 2025 from Noon - 2:30 pm. Local tribute band, Take Me Back, will play music from the 70's. Dinner included. $20.00/person. RSVP by February 5.
Holy Land Gifts: Weekend of January 25-26 Holy Land Gifts will be for sale after all Masses in the Youth Ministry Room.
GriefShare Program: St. Bede will host GriefShare, a nine-week support program, on Mondays, January 20 - March 17 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm in the Church Library. GriefShare is a Christian-based program whose goal is to offer guidance, support, and encouragement to those who are dealing with the death of a loved one. Please RSVP to Cindy or call her at 440-257-5544 and provide your name, email, phone number and the relationship to your lost loved one.
Pray the Rosary: The Rosary is prayed in the Chapel every Monday evening at 6:30 pm with the exception of the 2nd Monday of each month when it is prayed at 7:00 pm.
Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays 9:30 am - 4:00 pm in the Chapel (unless otherwise noted due to funerals or weddings). The monstrance is never left unattended; therefore, we encourage you to sign up for a time slot. Call (440-257-5544) or email the Parish Office for a time slot.